Method decision tree for the researcher to think about

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flowchart TD
 start{start} --> id1(Does this person want to make a good product?) 

 id1--They just want proof to their boss--> id17(Are there behavioral data?)
 id17--Yes-->a(Data Mining)
 id1--Sure--> id18(Are there behavioral data?)
 id18--No-->id2(Is there a budget?)
 id18--Yes-->x(Data Mining)
 x-->id19(Do they know the why behind the data?)
 id19--Yes--> jj[Bye]
 id2--No--> id6(Do they have time?)
 id6--No--> e(Short survey on forum/social)
 id6--Yes-->id20(Can you find target users internally?)
 id20--Yes-->id27(Anything already made?)
 id27--Yes-->id28(How much can they change things?)
 id27--No-->b(Internal Focus Group) 
 id28--Little-->c3(Usability Test)
 id28--Much-->b(Internal Focus Group)
 id20--No-->y(Online Ethnography)
 id2--Yes-->id3(Target Market Known?)
 id3--No-->id4(Do they already have a product on the market?)
 id4--Yes-->t(Real User Contextual Interview)
 id3--Yes-->id7(Unmet needs known?)
 id7--No clue-->id23(Are there existing reports?)
 id23--Yes-->h(Secondary Research)
 id23--No-->c(Online Ethnography)
 id7--Know general but not details-->id16(The behavior they want to study is...)
 id16--Short time frame-->r(Contextual Interview)
 id16--Long time frame-->s(Diary Study)
 id7--Know a ton, but not sure about the priority-->f(Online Survey)
 id7--Clear target needs-->id8(Is there a product?)
 id10--Already have some ideas-->id12(What do they have on hand) 
 id12--Various diverse ideas-->a1(Kano)
 id8--No, making something new-->id10(What do they have now?)
 id8--Yes, almost launch--> o(Usability Test)
 id10--Nothing--> i(Co-creation Workshop)
 id22--Np-->d(Fake Door)
 id12--1 software/hardware concept--> id22(Confidentiality issue?)
 id12--1 software mockup--> j(Unmoderated Interview)
 id12--A handful of hard models--> id26(What do they what to know?)
 id26--How to imporve-->k(User Interview)
 id26--Just choose 1-->b1(Physical Survey)
 id12--Working Prototype--> n(Inspired Interview-deep trial with value test)
 id8--Yes, been on the market for some time, need to imporve next gen-->id24(How much can they change?)
 id24--Much-->id25(How many real customers?)
 id25--Many-->z(Real User Contextual Interview)
 id24--Few-->id15(Software or hardware?)
 id15--Hard-->zz(Usability Test)
 id15--Soft-->g(AB Test)


classDef Quali fill:#b0e0e6,stroke:#43a8be,stroke-width:4px;
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class bb,a,d,e,f,h,u,w,x,g,a1,b1 Quanti;
class cc,o,zz,c3 Usability;
class dd,h Other;
class start Text;
class start,jj,gg Grey

*I made the decision tree based on my own situation. May not apply to all UXRs.

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