How to recruit participants

Here illustrates the steps taken to recruit for participants by an in-house UXR, and the interactions that will happen between the project stakeholders, the researcher, and the potential interviewees.

*If you are fortunate enough to have dedicated recruiters working with you, then the [researcher] box in the middle should be [researcher + recruiter].

box rgb(84, 171, 105)
participant Project Stakeholders
participant Researcher
participant Potential Participants
	Project Stakeholders->>Researcher: Participant criteria 
	Researcher->>Project Stakeholders: Screening questionnaire
	Note over Researcher,Project Stakeholders: Screening questionnaire template
	Project Stakeholders->>Researcher: Confirm screening questionnaire
	Researcher->>Potential Participants: Send out recruiting message
	Note over Researcher,Potential Participants: Recruiting message template
	Potential Participants->>Researcher: Fill out screening questionnaire
	Researcher->>Potential Participants: Phone screening interviews
	Note over Researcher,Potential Participants: Phone screening template
	Researcher->>Project Stakeholders: Potencial participant list
	Project Stakeholders->>Researcher: Confirm participant list
	Researcher->>Potential Participants: Formal invitation
	Note over Researcher,Potential Participants: Formal invitation template
	Potential Participants->>Researcher: Confirm time and location
	Researcher->>Potential Participants: Remind time and location
	Note over Researcher,Potential Participants: Reminder template
	Researcher->>Project Stakeholders: Send interview invitation
	Project Stakeholders->>Researcher: Confirm interview attendance
	Researcher->>Project Stakeholders: Plan interview R&R
	Researcher->>Potential Participants: Send reminder one day before interview
	Note over Researcher,Potential Participants: Reminder template


Screening questionnaire template

** Use basic questionnaire tools such as Google Form.

Recruiting message template


Greetings! We are looking for [type of participants] to help us understand their [interview topic] experience. Your opinions and feedback can help us make our product better.